

12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Neon Camo Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Space Unicorn Pattern.
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, pastel marbled Dreamy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, pastel marbled Dreamy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, pastel marbled Dreamy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, pastel marbled Dreamy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, pastel marbled Dreamy Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, pastel marbled Dreamy Pattern, closed lid.
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce patterned Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Purple Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Jungle Kingdom Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Space Unicorn Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Space Unicorn Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Space Unicorn Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Space Unicorn Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Space Unicorn Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
Girl sitting at a table doing homework, with a 12 ounce Space Unicorn Pattern Funtainer water bottle opened next to her.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Purple Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Purple Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Purple Hearts Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Purple Hearts Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Purple Hearts Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Jungle Kingdom Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Jungle Kingdom Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Jungle Kingdom Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Jungle Kingdom Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Jungle Kingdom Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, rainbows and clouds Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, rainbows and clouds Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce rainbows and clouds Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Neon Camo Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Neon Camo Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, Neon Camo Pattern.
12 ounce Neon Camo Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Neon Camo Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Neon Camo Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Neon Camo Pattern.
Girl sitting at a table doing homework, with a 12 ounce Neon Camo Pattern Funtainer water bottle opened next to her.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Neon Camo Pattern, front view with handle up. 7.7 inches tall, 2.7 inches wide at base. Keeps Cold 12 Hours.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Mod Flowers Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, friendly Sharks Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Mod Flowers Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, friendly Sharks Pattern.
Funtainer water bottle with green lid and decorated with dinosaurs
Funtainer water bottle with purple lid and decorated with rainbows and clouds.
Funtainer water bottle with green lid and decorated with dinosaurs
Funtainer water bottle with purple lid and decorated with rainbows and clouds
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Mod Flowers Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Mod Flowers Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Mod Flowers Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, Mod Flowers Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Mod Flowers Pattern, unassembled.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Mod Flowers Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, friendly Sharks Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, friendly Sharks Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, friendly Sharks Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, friendly Sharks Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, friendly Sharks Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, friendly Sharks Pattern, unassembled.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, Dinosaur Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, unassembled.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Dinosaur Pattern.
12 ounce Rainbows and hearts Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern, unassembled.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, rainbows and clouds Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, rainbows and clouds Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, rainbows and clouds Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Black and White Kittens.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Dinosaur Pattern.
12 ounce Kittens Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
Girl sitting at a table doing homework, with a 12 ounce Butterfly Frenzy Pattern Funtainer water bottle opened next to her.
Boy sitting at a table doing homework, with the 12 ounce Funtainer Dinosaurs Pattern water bottle opened next to him.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern.
12 ounce Butterfly Frenzy Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
Girl sitting at a table doing homework, with a 12 ounce Butterfly Frenzy Pattern Funtainer water bottle opened next to her.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern, front view with handle up. 7.7 inches tall, 2.7 inches wide at base. Keeps Cold 12 Hours.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern.
Girl sitting at a table doing homework, with a 12 ounce colorful sketched Hearts Pattern Funtainer water bottle opened next to her.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Black and White Kittens, front view with handle up. 7.7 inches tall, 2.7 inches wide at base. Keeps Cold 12 Hours.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Black and White Kittens.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Black and White Kittens, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern, front view with handle up. 7.7 inches tall, 2.7 inches wide at base. Keeps Cold 12 Hours.
Boy sitting at a table doing homework, with the 12 ounce Funtainer dinosaur Pattern water bottle opened next to him.
12 ounce Black and White Kittens Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Black and White Kittens.
Girl sitting at a table doing homework, with a 12 ounce Black and White Kittens Funtainer water bottle opened next to her.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, colorful sketched Hearts Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce hearts Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Black and White Kittens, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, Black and White Kittens.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Black and White Kittens.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Black and White Kittens, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, side view, handle down.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, unassembled - lid removed.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, back view, handle up, Dinosaur Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle with handle up, Dinosaur Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, side view, handle up, Dinosaur Pattern.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Dinosaur Pattern, front view with handle up. 7.7 inches tall, 2.7 inches wide at base. Keeps Cold 12 Hours.
12 ounce Dinosaur Pattern Funtainer water bottle, opened and full of ice.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern, straw inset.
12 ounce Funtainer water bottle, Butterfly Frenzy Pattern, side view, handle down.


  • Image of a coolant symbol representing extended cold retention.

    12 Hours Cold

Kids love FUNtainer® products, but parents love them even more. The FUNtainer 12-ounce Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Straw keeps drinks cold for up to 12 hours. Our new design includes a translucent lid for a clear view of the drinking mechanism. Also equipped with a soft-touch grip carry handle, making it easy for kids to carry with them throughout the day. FUNtainer products are always made with love from BPA-free materials. The double wall stainless steel construction is built to handle drops, dings and assorted roughhousing. To clean, you can pop your FUNtainer water bottle in the dishwasher; however hand washing is recommended. Not for hot liquids.

Item Number: F4102COT6

Care & Use Instructions
Regular Price$16.99
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Shipping calculated at checkout.

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Checkout made easy with many options

  • shop pay
  • apple pay
  • Google pay


  • Thermos™ vacuum insulation technology for max temperature retention
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Push button lid with pop-up straw
  • Sweat-proof exterior
  • Integrated carry handle is easy to grip and can be folded down when not in use
  • Not for hot liquids


  • Height: 6.9
  • Width: 3.1
  • Depth: 2.7
  • Weight: 0.6 lb.
  • Capacity: 12oz. (350 ml)
  • Origin: China
  • Item Numbers: Neon Camo: F4102COT6, Purple Hearts: F4102PH6, Jungle Kingdom: F4102JK6, Dreamy: F4101DR6, Honey Bees: F4102HB6, Pastel Delights (Dots): F4101BFA6, Gray Waves: F4101SKAT6, Space: F4101AU6, Butterfly Frenzy: F4102BF6, Space Unicorn: F4102UC6, Mod Flowers: F4103FL6, Sharks: F4103SK6, Dinosaurs: F4103DN6, Rainbows: F4103RA6, Hearts: F4104HT6, Sketchbook: F4104SO6, Kittens: F4104KT6, Butterfly Frenzy: F4104BF6, Dinosaurs: F4104DN6, Mint Ombre: F4104MT6, Pink Ombre: F4104PI6

    Stainless Steel Construction


    With Push Button Lid


    Easy To Carry And Open


With sweat-proof exterior

With sweat-proof exterior

With soft touch grip

With soft touch grip

Hygienic covered silicone straw is removable for easy cleaning

Hygienic covered silicone straw is removable for easy cleaning