Last Updated Date __01/14/2025__
The Products listed below are protected by United States patents, and this page provides notice under 35 U.S.C. §287(a). These products may also be protected by pending, common law, foreign, or other intellectual property or legal rights, not listed below. The product identifiers listed below are the first 4 or 5 elements in the Item Number of the relevant product. Item Numbers can be found on the product packaging, product sticker, and/or on (if available).
1. Thermos® Funtainer® Products
a. Water Bottles
i. F401, F402, F404 – 8,550,269; D675,060
ii. F410, F411, F405 – 8,550,269; D998,414
iii. F420, F421 – 8,550,269
b. Food Jars
i. F303 - D682,625
ii. F310 & F311 – 11,396,410; D984,202
2. Thermos® Kids / Thermos® Baby / Foogo® Brand Products
a. F500 - D912,475
b. GP404 - 8,550,269 & D675,060
c. BS301 - D685,232
d. F502 - D1037785
e. F320 - D1037770
f. F310, F311 - D984202
3. Alta™ Series by Thermos Products
a. TS125 = D948,930
b. TS129 = 10,870,522; D883,030
c. TS130 = 10,870,522; D893,258; D891,182; D948,930
d. TS131 = 10,870,522; D893,258; D901,248
e. TS230 = D948,930; D927,924
f. TS231 = D948,930
g. TS240 = D902,643; D948,930; D883,041
h. TS302, TS303 = D899,874; 10,899,514
i. TS303 = D948,930; D899,874; 10,899,514
j. TS304 = D839,043; 10,899,514; D904,131; D893,959
k. TS305 = D897,782
l. TP430, TP431, TS434 = D867,812; D948,930
m. TP432 ,TS430, TS431; TS433 = D894,669; D879,550
n. TS432, TS438 = D882,335; D872,536
o. TP433 = D876,815; D876,816
p. TP434 = D867,811; D948,930
4. 1904 Collection by Thermos Products
a. SS210 - D990,982
5. Thermos® Stainless King™ Products
a. SK150 - D841,405; D823,070; D803,633
6. Icon Series by Thermos Products
a. IS230, IS231, IS211, IS212, IS200, IP402, IP412 - D990,243
b. IS111 - D1002276
c. IS220, IS250, IS260, IP400, IP410 – D1002277
d. IS210 - D1005782
e. IS150, IS151 – D1008751
f. IS300, IS301 – D1008748
g. IS100, IS101, IS110, IS111, IS112, IS115, IS116, IS118, IS150, IS151, IS200, IS210, IS211, IS212, IS213, IS214, IS220, IS221, IS230, IS231, IS233, IS234, IS240, IS250, IS251, IS260, IS261, IS273, IS300, IS301, IS303, IS310 - D1012694
h. IS240 - D1015071
i. IS100, IS101, IS110 - D1016562, D1049760, 12043452
j. IS214, IS220, IS234, IS250, IS260, IP400, IP410 - D1048813
7. Other
a. TKFA-200S - D822,438
b. TKFB-280S - D821,147
While we are launching our virtual marking program, this page may not list all of our patents or products. So, some of our products may still be marked with conventional patent marking (rather than virtual marking). Markings may appear on the neck of a container, a lid, a permanent sticker on the bottom, or other. In addition to the U.S. patents listed, our products may be protected by foreign intellectual property rights as well. Items listed above may be sold individually or as part of a combination product.
Also, please note that our Lifefactory Brand Products and associated patents are listed at